Our years of experience and extensive network of local partners can help you build your dream trip from the endless possibilities of Ethiopia. We’ll talk through your ideas, give you some suggestions, set it all up and advise on travel, kit and preparation, so that you get the Ethiopian adventure you’ve always wanted.

Ari tribes are the largest ethnic group in the South and currently there are more than 400,000 they are an original people of Some among the 62 different clans, originated from other neighboring ethnic or believe that their ancestors came directly from water and sun. The name Ari has Its old meaning ‘giving birth,’ and their language family belongs to the North Omotic language. Marriage is usually arranged based upon the will of the women.
The Ari people are farmers producing maize, sorghum, teff, cardamom, coffee and root crops. They also raise chickens, cattle, sheep and goat. The two main Ari crops are rubi (sorghum) and buna (coffee). They are the oldest, most traditional crops of the region and both are widely used ritually,